


まず600選の1つの章を選ぶが、その中で覚えて欲しい構文やIDIOMを探す必要がある。自分でも選んでいいが、アプリを使うと早いので、みんな大好きIdiom Search(クリック)に入力する。すると、次のように色分けされる。



Can you make very short simple sentences for 5th-year elementary school students using the following words and phrases: uncle, all of them, did you enjoy yourself, a lot of, discuss an issue, I believe that, an honest person, give us, so much money, buy me, and the other day.

結果は以下。ただし、この短文の後に"These sentences may not reflect the complexity and structure of a natural language for 5th-year elementary school students level."と怒られてしまった(笑)。

"My uncle is coming over today."
"All of them are going to the park."
"Did you enjoy yourself at the party?"
"There's a lot of ice cream in the fridge."
"Let's discuss this issue together."
"I believe that honesty is important."
"Can you give us some more information?"
"He has so much money in his bank account."
"Can you buy me a new book?"
"I saw him the other day at the store."



Can you make a 150-word long story for 5th-year elementary school students using all the following words and phrases: uncle, all of them, did you enjoy yourself, a lot of, discuss an issue, I believe that, an honest person, give us, so much money, buy me, and the other day.


Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy had an uncle who he loved very much. His uncle was always there for him, and Timmy knew that he could count on him no matter what. One day, Timmy's uncle came to visit him and brought all of his cousins along with him. Timmy was so excited to see all of them and spend some time with his family.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Timmy's uncle asked him after the visit was over.

"Yes, I did!" Timmy replied with a big smile on his face. "I had a lot of fun playing with my cousins."

Timmy's uncle was glad to hear that. "I'm glad you had fun," he said. "Now, Timmy, I want to discuss an issue with you. I believe that you are an honest person and I want to give you something."

Timmy was curious. "What is it, Uncle?"

"It's so much money," his uncle said. "I want you to use it to buy something that you really want."

Timmy's eyes widened. He had never had so much money before. "Really, Uncle? Can I buy a new bike?"

"Of course, you can," his uncle replied. "But you have to promise me that you will use the money wisely."

Timmy promised that he would. And the other day, he went to the store and bought a brand new bike. He was so happy and grateful to his uncle. He knew that he would never forget this special day and the valuable lesson that his uncle taught him.

From that day on, Timmy always remembered the importance of being honest and using money wisely. He was grateful for his uncle's guidance and for the special bond that they shared.
