


ア 日常的な話題について,使用する語句や文,対話の展開などにおいて,多くの支援を活用すれば,基本的な語句や文を用いて,情報や考え,気持ちなどを話して伝え合うやり取りを続けることができるようにする。(太字は筆者)




When discussing something, we'd like to ask others' ideas or opinions. To elicit more ideas from participants, what kind of expressions will be good for that purpose? Please list 10-15 expressions that are recommended.


Here are some expressions that may be useful for eliciting ideas or opinions from others:
1 "What are your thoughts on this?"
2 "What ideas do you have?"
3 "What are some possible solutions?"
4 "What are your suggestions?"
5 "Can you give me some feedback?"
6 "What other options do we have?"
7 "What do you think we should do?"
8 "How would you approach this?"
9 "What are the pros and cons of this?"
10 "What are the implications of this?"
11 "What are the potential consequences?"
12 "What else should we consider?"
Keep in mind that these are general expressions and the specific phrasing may depend on context. Also It is important to be open-minded and receptive to other's opinions and ideas, even if they differ from your own.

これではよくねらいがわからないので、Please classify the intent. とPromptを出すと、以下のように( )の中に求めるものを書いてくれた。それに加えて、話を振る(A)、関連させる(B)、話題を広げる(C)、話を深める(D)でテキトーに分類してみた(赤字)。

1 "What are your thoughts on this?" (Opinion) -A
2 "What ideas do you have?" (Ideas) -A
3 "What are some possible solutions?" (Solution) -C, D
4 "What are your suggestions?" (Suggestion) -A
5 "Can you give me some feedback?" (Feedback) -B
6 "What other options do we have?" (Alternatives) -B
7 "What do you think we should do?" (Advice) -C
8 "How would you approach this?" (Method/Approach) -B, C, D
9 "What are the pros and cons of this?" (Benefits and drawbacks) -B, C, D
10 "What are the implications of this?" (Consequences) -D
11 "What are the potential consequences?" (Consequences) -D
12 "What else should we consider?" (Consideration) -A




In order to make mutual understanding on the topic or the person's ideas more deeply, what should I say? Please suggest 10 expressions, classifying the intent.


Here are some expressions that may be useful for deepening mutual understanding and clarifying a topic or idea:
"Can you explain that in more detail?" (clarification)
"Can you give me an example?" (clarification)
"Can you tell me more about X?" (elaboration)
"How does that relate to X?" (connection)
"Can you elaborate on that point?" (elaboration)
"How does that fit in with Y?" (connection)
"Can you walk me through the reasoning behind that?" (explanation)
"Can you help me understand how this works?" (explanation)
"How does this impact that?" (connection)
"Can you clarify the main idea?" (clarification)
It is important to understand and respect that everyone is coming from their own perspective and experience and it's essential to build common ground and understanding by asking clarifying and connecting questions. Instead of assuming, these expressions encourage them to share more and help you to get a better idea about their perspective and point of view.



さらにがんばりたいことのリストの1つには「まとめを言いたい」という項目があった。実は発話するときに、割とみんな決まり文句を言って始める場合が多いが、これは考えをまとめる時間を取るということと相手に今から何について話すか宣言するという2つのねらいがあると考えている。で、この最初の決まり文句をsentence stemsというが、それについてChatGPTに聞いてみた。

Please list 10-15 sentence stems in order to summarise others' ideas or opinions while discussion. Students are 7th-year school kids.


Here are some sentence stems that may be useful for summarising others' ideas or opinions while discussing with 7th-year school students:
"The main idea is that __________"
"In other words, __________"
"What I understood is __________"
"So far, we have learned that __________"
"To sum up, __________"
"The key point is __________"
"In summary, __________"
"The main idea was __________"
"To put it simply, __________"
"The main point of the discussion is __________"
"The central idea is __________"
"It looks like __________"
"From what I gather, __________"
"Based on the discussion, __________"
"The idea behind is __________"
It's important to keep in mind that the purpose of summarising is to synthesise the main points and convey them in a clear and concise manner, these sentence stems are useful for that purpose. Also remind your students that a good summary should accurately represent the original information and ideas and it's important to give credit to the original sources if they quote them directly.


If you are talking with Bob, say, who is one of the participants of discussion, you should summarise Bob's ideas or opinions if you are the MC of the discussion. Please suggest 10-15 sentence stems you can use at the discussion. Please start them with "Bob,"


Here are some sentence stems that may be useful for summarising Bob's ideas or opinions during a discussion:
"Bob, your main point was __________"
"Bob, you were saying __________"
"Bob, the idea you presented was __________"
"Bob, if I understood correctly, you are suggesting __________"
"Bob, what I gather from your point is __________"
"Bob, you brought up the idea of __________"
"Bob, to summarise your thoughts, __________"
"Bob, you mentioned that __________"
"Bob, your opinion is that __________"
"Bob, you argued that __________"
"Bob, you pointed out that __________"
"Bob, you made the observation that __________"
"Bob, you noted __________"
"Bob, you stated __________"
"Bob, you put forward the idea of __________"
When you summarise one participant's idea or opinion, it's good practice to check for understanding before moving on. This not only ensure that you have understood the idea, but also lets the person who spoke know that you heard and acknowledged their contributions. And to avoid any misinterpretation of Bob's ideas, you should use paraphrasing instead of direct quoting, and also seeking for their agreement.
