思考ツールを英語で説明するには?(例2 棒グラフ)





  • X-axis(X軸): Month (January, February, March, etc.)
  • Y-axis(Y軸): Temperature (in degrees Celsius)
  • Bars(棒): Each bar represents a month, and the length of the bar is proportional to the average temperature for that month. For example, the bar for July might be taller than the bar for January, which means that the average temperature in July is higher than the average temperature in January.
  • Labels(ラベル): The X-axis is labeled with the months, and the Y-axis is labeled with the temperature. The chart might also have a title, such as "Monthly Average Temperature in Tokyo."
  • Legend(凡例(はんれい)): Not applicable in this example, as there is only one set of data being plotted. 複数のデータを表すグラフでは、どのグラフが何を表すか示してあることも多い。英語ではLegendという。

This is the bar chart of the monthly average temperature in Tokyo.[*1] The chart shows that the average temperature in Tokyo ranges from a low of 5.4 degrees Celsius in January to a high of 27.4 degrees Celsius in August. The chart also shows that the temperature tends to be warmer in summer and cooler in winter.

*1 The X-axis is labeled with the months (January, February, March, etc.), and the Y-axis is labeled with the temperature (in degrees Celsius). Each bar represents a month, and the length of the bar is proportional to the average temperature for that month.と説明しても良い。